This magical stone energy is so powerful that it guard you from all sort of negative entities ,psychic attacks , black magic , voodoo ,hexes , evil spirit etc It increases the psychic awareness and intuition .This stone is very powerful for those who involves in psychic and metaphysical practices and work and protect the user during astral journey .It help develop the spiritual discernment and attracts guidance from the spiritual realms and communicate with subtle beings . It is healer of the soul and clear the traumas of the past that obstructs soul development . It balance the chaotic forces an unbalances elements in the lower aspects of the microcosm and removes innate fears that cause psychological problems .It is empowered with various types of powerful energies from saints who have spiritual power and have blessing of powerful spirit , good souls and some of them are very powerful spiritual masters .Person prosper day by day without any fear and obstacles and become wealthy. Cary this item no matter whatever your religion is , Suitable for all religion . It comes as same as shown in picture .Average weight 46 carat . Only one piece available , once its sold its sold .
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