Product Details

Powerful magical Metaphysical stone

Rs. 50000/ USD 950

This Stones talisman have the highest vibrational frequency of any stone on earth, according to metaphysical science, piezoelectricity, and historical evidence, which is totally reasonable given that they originated in Heaven (located in the Sirius Star System)! Since ancient times, people have utilised them as a wish-fulfilling gem to help them concentrate their prayers and meditations in order to realise their needs and achieve their goals. In western alchemy, they have been referred to as the "holy grail" and the "philosopher's stone." These stones have been owned by many famous people throughout history, like King Solomon, Alexander the Great, and they might be able to help you find your life's purpose. Many pious people have utilised this, along with other things which has helped them in their spiritual and healing journey ,getting day to day spiritual guidance ,taking right decision and for their greatest manifestation like wealth abundance, luck,money attraction,winning in all situation,to get all luxury in life. It is one of the rarest and highest graded stone talisman avaialble in this planet.